Rise, Heal, and Break Free With Empowerment!

At Unlocking Bright Minds Transcend generational trauma and patterns to cultivate a life of compassion and purpose, fostering growth and intentionality in every aspect of life, including parenting.

Change Your Life at Unlocking bright minds

Ready to Heal from Trauma and Generational Patterns?


Embrace a journey of spiritual and emotional liberation. Uncover the power to heal from trauma and break free from generational patterns, paving the way for profound spiritual growth and connection. As you release these deep-rooted constraints, awaken to a renewed sense of purpose, peace, and familial unity


Embark on a transformative journey to emotional well-being, integral to boosting your confidence as a parent. By releasing the weight of past emotional burdens and generational patterns, you pave the way for a life of emotional freedom, fostering an environment where compassionate and intentional parenting thrives.


Cultivate a profound mental transformation by breaking free from the cycle of generational mental struggles. This journey of liberation from inherited stress and anxiety patterns leads to greater clarity, confidence, and peace of mind, empowering you to foster a more mindful and intentional approach to parenting.


Embrace a journey of spiritual and emotional liberation. Uncover the power to heal from trauma and break free from generational patterns, paving the way for profound spiritual growth and connection. As you release these deep-rooted constraints, awaken to a renewed sense of purpose, peace, and familial unity


Shatter the chains of generational financial struggles and embark on a path of abundance and financial freedom. Break free from inherited financial patterns to unlock prosperity, security, and the potential for generational wealth, enhancing your journey towards empowered and intentional parenting.

How Unlocking Bright Minds empower you to heal from trauma and generational patterns.

You are taken on a transformative journey to shatter trauma and generational patterns, build unshakeable confidence, unlock your full potential, while mastering the art of compassionate, purposeful parenting.

Inner standing the Past

Inner stand and accept your past to shape your present and future. This awareness is key to transformative parenting and personal growth.

Accepting and Embracing Your Life Path

Accept and embrace your numerological path to discover innate strengths and life’s purpose. Numerology reveals the unique narrative of your life, guiding you towards personal alignment and clarity.

Breaking the Chains

Unlocking the power within, to manifest and create your future because you have control!

When people heal, they are healing generations to come!

Holistic transformation therapist

Brittany (Bella) Holder MA, ABA, RBC, RTT, Cl.Hyp

About Me

Holistic Transformation Therapist

Brittany AKA Bella Denise MA, ABA, RBC, RTT, Cl.Hyp

Bella hold a Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis. She is a certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy, and Past Life Regression Practitioner. With additional training in CBT, NLP, Numerology, and Systematic Family Therapy, Bella is dedicated to empowering you for positive and lasting change.

Brittany (Bella) Holder

Real Stories, Real Results

Explore the experiences shared by my clients who’ve embarked on a transformative journey working one-on-one with me. These testimonials shed light on the profound changes they’ve achieved. Their experiences underline the transformative power of personalized guidance and support.

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Unlocking Bright Minds the Power of Confidence:

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